The “Hide” pane
This is where you'll find options for hiding applications when switching. None Dy default, no hiding option is enabled. Auto-hide last front application when switching When this option is checked, when you switch from application X to application Y, the application X will be automatically hidden. You can choose that it happens “Always”, that is every time you switch to the application Y (by clicking in a visible application Y window, by using the Application Switcher, by using keyboard navigation, by using Wapp pro's menu or by using the Applications menu....), or only when using Wapp pro's features (Wapp pro's menus, the Applications menu when the Embedded feature is enabled, or Wapp pro's keyboard shortcuts). You can also choose if you want the shift key to temporarily disable that feature. If this option is checked, holding down the shift key while switching to application Y (no matter how you switch to it), won't hide the application X. Hide when switching only if modifier keys are pressed When this option is checked, you have 2 new choices when switching to an application. The behavior is the same as the Quit and Hide modifier keys, explained in the Commands pane. The first one lets you hide the last front application. If you're
switching from appliation A to application B, Wapp pro will first
switch application B and then hide application A in the background.
The default keys to invoke this option are Option+Shift. The cursor
will then change into The second option lets you switch to an application and then hide
all the others applications. The default keys for this one are
Option+Command. The cursor will change into